Monday, December 23, 2024

Book Reviews: Reconciled Runaway by D.M. Griffin


Rating: ★★★★★


Snatched from his Jewish home in the Holy Land by the clutches of Rome, Onesimus found himself living a life he wasn't supposed to live. As a young boy, he thought he was settling a family debt. Instead, he was sold into slavery. With no control over his own fate, Onesimus let bitterness fuel his rebellious choices well into adulthood. He began running away from God long before he ran away from his earthly master, Philemon. 

Though he gave up on God, the Lord did not give up on Onesimus. Through divine intervention, God brings the slave into contact with the Lord's bond-servant, Paul. Would faith in the promised Messiah have the power to reconcile the runaway to God? Could the damage done by embracing darkness be overcome by the light of hope? As an imprisoned man facing death, Onesimus reflects on the life given him in Christ by writing a believer's legacy.

My Review:

I’ve wanted to write this review for a long time, and I finally just had to do it. This book is one of the best books I have read in a long time. A great deal of historically accurate facts are woven into the pages of this story. The characters are some of the most realistic characters I have had the privilege to read about in my life. I was so captivated by the world depicted in this story that I dove further into its historical context.

The content of this story applies to anyone who has desired to learn their place in this world. With every page, the suspense built. This pulled me further into the story and made me curious about the ending. Every chapter holds a captivating element that further immersed me in the unfolding story. Every character added to the rich tapestry of the narrative. Their interwoven stories contributed to the overall plot and pushed the story forward. 

Although Philemon and Onesimus are obscure figures to most, D. M. Griffin’s narrative makes their story believable. As someone who favors writing stories about lesser-known characters, I have fallen in love with the stories I read from this author. It is obvious to me that she puts a significant amount of effort and research into what she writes. There is always a valuable lesson to be learned from one of her stories.

My goal with any review is to provide spoiler-free and useful thoughts on what I read. I can honestly say there is so much value in this story that writing a positive review is not a stretch at all.

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