Greetings Readers,
A few weeks ago I said I would post some more about whats been happening in my heart over the past few months and to be honest, the reason it's not been posted is is because I'm not ready to share that just yet, something has been telling me to hold off for now. Why? I'm not sure but I promise it will come, in God's Timing.
For now, I will be sharing more of what on my heart, as I'm sure you all know there is a lot of stuff going on in this world and while I'd like to pretend that it's not been effecting me, the truth is that it has been weighing very heavily on my heart. If you have been keeping up with me on my facebook page your beginning to see more direct quotes from myself about the world around us. The reality is that this world that we all claim to love so much is falling apart right before our eyes.
I've held off for quite sometime about sharing my heart on this and the Lord is periodically placing some pretty straight forward statements in my thoughts that I simply cannot ignore. My intention is to bring all of these thoughts together in one post, so I will not go into them in this post, but believe me when I say that post will come. To be honest I don't really know when it will come but it's brewing pretty hard upon my heart, which usually means I will wake up sometime in the next few weeks in the middle of the night compelled to finish it. I'm praying every night for it to come and the wait is killing me, but I hold back because I know the Lord has a specific plan in mind.
There are times in life when we must hold our tongue and there are times with the spirit of God will compel our hearts to speak. It is our duty to know the difference and to trust in God's plan for our lives. The time for what I feel to be a prophetic word will come when He brings it to the forefront of my wondering mind.
Stay tuned.
Blessings in Christ and Thanks again for visiting us at "The Gathering Room."
"Times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord." 45.3.20
M.J. Elliott
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