Tuesday, June 28, 2011

God's Consuming Fire

Hey readers,

This is a Post from my other blog that I thought I would re-post for you all to read.  I am probably going to post more from this sight over the next few months.  I am also still waiting to post the story behind "compelled" just hang on, all will be explained soon. Hope you find something in this post for YOU :-) ...

Scripture states in Hebrews 12:28-9 in the NKJV...

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear, for our God is a consuming fire."

Here's my reflection from this particular passage of scripture: We each have different things that we will have to face in our lives and may be facing even today. Sometimes it may feel like we are losing everything that matters to us. There are several different situations that can make us feel this way and many times it leads to a great discouragement that begins to destroy the things that are important to us.

I cannot count the times that I have personally let the things of this world take control and have had to face the consequences that follow. I am never going to be perfect and I hate to say this, but neither will you :-). We will have to work through these things many times during our time here on this earth. One thing though, we must remember that those times we have only come for a season, and that while they may come many times throughout our lives, what we have here on earth is only a prelude to what God has in store for us in heaven.

One final word, remember that God is your consuming fire and that no matter what waters may come to blow your fire out, He has promised you something great and that HIS fire will never fade.

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"

Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you
(2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),


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